My Mission Statement (not just for corporations!)
To be physically and mentally active; supportive of my family and friends; living fully in the present moment.
My Vision Statement (why doesn't everyone have one of these?)
I am relaxed, confident, and happy;
finding joy in each day; delighted to find pleasure in the world;
grateful for all I have and been able to do;
open to new experiences and ideas.
I live my life with honesty, integrity and joy.
I enthusiastically support my wife, my family, and my friends.
I meditate daily to become healthier, calmer, and more peaceful.
I am physically active and keep in touch with my body
challenging my physical and mental limits to discover what I can do.
I read for enjoyment, to learn, to grow, and to expand my knowledge
and understanding about myself and the world.
I write to discover who I was, who I am, and who I want to be.
I find pleasure and purpose through creative expression.
I learn from the past, enjoy the present, and eagerly anticipate the future.
I laugh and smile often, enjoying life in my own way.
finding joy in each day; delighted to find pleasure in the world;
grateful for all I have and been able to do;
open to new experiences and ideas.
I live my life with honesty, integrity and joy.
I enthusiastically support my wife, my family, and my friends.
I meditate daily to become healthier, calmer, and more peaceful.
I am physically active and keep in touch with my body
challenging my physical and mental limits to discover what I can do.
I read for enjoyment, to learn, to grow, and to expand my knowledge
and understanding about myself and the world.
I write to discover who I was, who I am, and who I want to be.
I find pleasure and purpose through creative expression.
I learn from the past, enjoy the present, and eagerly anticipate the future.
I laugh and smile often, enjoying life in my own way.